
Welcome to our website!

The Brookfields' Lions Club was chartered in May of 1943 and has 31 members dedicated to the service and support in the communities of Brookfield, East Brookfield, New Braintree, North Brookfield and West Brookfield.

Lions Clubs in Central Massachusetts have joined together as the Lions of District 33-A. Over 1600 Lions in 52 Lions Clubs as well as a growing number of Leo Clubs are committed to humanitarian service. Lions in District 33-A are part of the world's largest service club organization, with approximately 1.35 million members serving in more than 200 countries and geographical areas.

Lions Clubs International serves people throughout the world. Globally, Lions clubs are known for their commitment to blindness prevention and services to the visually impaired. This service began when Helen Keller challenged the Lions to become her "Knights of the Blind" in the crusade against darkness" during the association's 1925 International Convention.

In addition, as the world's largest, youngest and most active service organization, Lions are recognized for their dedication to community service and improvement. Projects include eye and hearing screenings and related services, diabetes awareness, opportunities to improve the day-to-day life in communities, scholarships, youth projects.

Through the efforts of our members and the continuing support from the residents of our area communities we will provide for those in need.

Our Motto Is " WE SERVE "  



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